As if yesterday’s news about Kasich throwing in the towel wasn’t enough of a tonic, Donald Trump’s interview with Bill O’Reilly last night was just what the doctor ordered. For those of us cynics who always expect political betrayal, The Donald gave us hope that this time we have a Republican candidate for President who means what he says.
Asked by O’Reilly if he had a message in response to Vicente Fox’s apology, Trump answered without a moment’s hesitation “Get your money ready ‘cause you’re going to pay for the wall!”
Don’t you love this blunt, man of the people style of speech?
This interview contains much that is encouraging for all those who have been supporting Trump. First, fresh from the campaign trail and victory, he was right back in front of the TV cameras. No resting on laurels here! Sharp and bursting with emotional energy, he looked and sounded as though he is enjoying every minute of life on the stump. Vicente Fox’s reported climb-down evinced no softening of tone from Trump, in fact his message about the wall was concise and unambiguous, sending the message that there is no room for negotiations or compromise. Be warned, all who face President Trump!
When this interview is put with Trump’s statements yesterday about Muslim immigration and the deportation of illegal entrants, we can be re-assured that he is not retreating one iota on these Nationalist issues. The Mainstream Media has been busy describing them as ‘controversial’ issues -their typical propaganda technique to shape the narrative. Stopping Muslim entry is no doubt ‘controversial’ with CAIR and ISIS, the Islamic Fifth Column in the USA, and the Far Left that owns the MSM, but it is not at all controversial with the man-in-the-street.
The Donald’s sudden and complete victory yesterday has left his opponents of all shades scrambling to find a semblance of firm ground on which to claim on-going relevance.
Last night, the always-angry and unpleasant Talk-Show Host and ’Constitutionalist’ Mark Levin, sought from his shrunken audience their acknowledgement and admiration for his commitment to principles when all others deserted the cause. Unfortunately he sounded like a ship’s captain, who, having piloted on to the rocks, was going down with his ship. He also reminded yet again his loyal followers that he is a defender of Israel. For good measure he appealed to his fellow dog-lovers to buy his book, which will be going cheap in a few weeks.
Ironically, his bitter rival Michael Savage, whose commitment to the USA is never in doubt and whose battle cry “Borders, Language and Culture” may have inspired Donald Trump, is going to beat him to it in the doggy world. Savage has a book due out next week that is all about Teddy, his four-legged aging companion. We’ll give a pass on both books!
Rush Limbaugh, who drifted away from land on the outgoing Cruz tide, may yet regain safety by jumping on to the deck of the SS Trump and serving as a ship’s gunner. This morning he had his gun sights set on Hillary Clinton and loosed off a few good rounds. By tomorrow he may be on board the SS Trump and in charge of the second biggest gun. Trump himself will fire the biggest gun!
Over at the WSJ the editors were busy kicking Cruz now that he is down, and offering The Donald their advice on how to make friends and influence the big noises of the Republican Party. This will require that he make peace with its collaborationists, adopt the globalist’s agenda, change his brash personal style and let Paul Ryan take over behind the scenes.
On the inner pages of the WSJ, the Gang of Four’s Daniel Henninger warned Trump that the Koch brothers are not happy campers and may fund Hillary. The Donald may feel that if the Kochs want to throw their money away on a scandal-plagued, shrill, greedy tool of the Far Left, why should he stop them. Henninger reinforces his warning by reminding us Trumpets that the Kochs and their buddies funded the Hoover Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Other than providing employment for the kind of ‘conservatives’ who are now ready to support Far Left, crooked Hillary in order to defeat America’s Nationalists, we might ask why all these Think Tanks and their researches and statistics failed to stop the Media Class Revolution, Obama’s rule by edict, 19$ trillion debt, a slide into universal healthcare, a purging of the military, and boys in the girls bathrooms. Perhaps if we have an American Nationalist man-of-action in the White House we won’t need ‘conservative’ Think Tanks.
Finally in the WSJ, Karl Rove, a parasite who feeds off statistics and Opinion polls like a leech, and who wasted millions of dollars of OPM failing to elect Jeb Bush and then failing to defeat Donald Trump, offered his expert advice. “To stand a chance, he (Trump) must tone it down, hire a fact-checker and open his wallet”.
Jews are supposed to be very smart when it comes to handling money, so why does the WSJ employ all these losers? The owners would do better to read Radical and Right each day. And we don’t even charge!
Music Choice 
As we are in celebratory mood we will return to recommending some music, and just to prove we are not anti-Semitic we are recommending a track by the late Stan Getz. Getz was a master of the tenor saxophone who unfortunately died of cancer when he still had much to offer.
A graduate of the big bands and swing, Getz, despite an awesome technique, was unimpressive as a bebop player in the late 1950’s. In the early 1960’s however, he combined with several Brazilian musicians and composers to record a few albums of Bossa Nova. His musical career was revived and his recordings invaded the charts all around the world. It is the opinion of this website that Getz’s finest music came with this collaboration, although he made many fine recordings up to his painful death.
It is said that he was an unpleasant man but his Brazilian partnership allowed his playing to be full of joy, a love of great melody, and sweeping phrases that only a master can instantly compose. For anyone who is musical, this has stood the test of time. It would be a sign of America being great again if music like this became the normal stuff of its popular culture.
“So Danco Samba”, composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim was recorded in New York in 1964 for an album called Getz/Gilberto. Joao Gilberto played a fine, complex-chorded acoustic guitar accompaniment, Jobim was on piano, Sebastiao Neto was on bass and Milton Banana on drums. Gilberto, whose voice is a male version of his wife’s (Astrid), which is to say small but tuneful, sings the lyric, but it is Getz’s superb playing that makes this recording a masterpiece. Enjoy!
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