According to today’s Fox News, Reince Priebus has caused a storm on social media by hinting in the context of a religious comment that Trump is America’s new King. I don’t frequent social media so I have no idea what constitutes a storm there and whether it matters a damn. I tend to assume that a social media storm is a storm in a teacup.
I can see why sincere Christians might be slightly offended by anyone writing about the birth of Christ in superficial terms, but sincere Christians have had much more to be offended by in not only the last 8 years, but the last several decades. I suspect that those who now express outrage, tote the shallow Christianity that helps to get elected in Republican States.
I am beginning to really like Priebus. Although Michael Savage – who I greatly respect for his constant courage and occasional important insights – has viewed him as a symbol of Trump’s poor character judgment and drift away from swamp-draining, I think Priebus played a significant part in creating a positive link between Trump and the Congressional Republicans when it mattered.
Donald Trump is certainly King of the Tweets. In the Presidential contest Clinton spent $1.2 billion dollars and Trump spent $600 million – and won! Our website visitors may recall how we castigated those Wall Street scribblers and neo-Cons for constantly accusing Trump of not spending money because:
- He didn’t have as much as he said he had.
- He was not serious about wanting to be President.
They have ended up with egg-covered faces and Trump has ended up as President elect! It appears that Trump’s tweets enabled him to successfully by-pass the disgusting Mainstream Media and avoid putting money into the pockets of America’s internal enemies.
Whilst I wouldn’t for a moment compare Trump’s approaching Presidency to the birth of Jesus Christ, his coronation on 20th January will, I hope, herald a new beginning. We have had 8 years of a would-be Emperor Nero in the White House marching us to Totalitarianism, so a return to a Constitutional Monarchy is to be welcomed.
The reality of course is that Donald Trump has no delusions of grandeur and no ambitions, other than to honor his election pledge to America’s working people, and make America great again. And only 25 days to go!
Incidentally, apart from the vacancy on the Supreme Court there are 103 vacancies on Federal Courts waiting to be filled. What an opportunity for President Trump to begin purging the Federal Courts of would-be legislators and covert perverts!
On this website we never indulge in platitudes. They are the language of compromisers and sell-outs. One of the most dangerous at this time is that Trump’s job as President is ‘to bring the country together’. No it isn’t and here is why.
We on the Broad Right have been on the receiving end of a Revolutionary Ruling Media Class and its Far Left allies. They have used the power of the State machinery and the propaganda power of the MSM to take away the Constitutional rights of ordinary Americans, transform America into a pervert’s paradise, redistribute our income to the rest of the world, open the borders to our deadly enemies and quickly eliminate us.
We do not any longer inhabit an America that has shared fundamental beliefs. It is time to do to them what they intended to do to us. There must be no ‘coming together’!
Music Choice
(Great Saxophonists/Great Songs)
For You, written by Joe Burke and Al Dubin, was played by Gene Ammons (1925-1974) in his Jug & Dodo session in May 1962 along with Dodo Marmarosa (piano), Sam Jones (bass), and Marshall Thompson (drums). This version of the tune is up-tempo. Ammons’ two-chorus solo is one of his best, and contrasts well with Marmarosa’s sparser solo, after which there are several drum breaks before Ammons returns to the tune. After this, Ammons impressively improvises on the tag, playing a variety of phrases despite the limits of a repeating sequence.
We also recommend Bluzarumba, one of Ammons’ own compositions, which is from the same album. This recording begins with a latin rhythm and then goes into 4/4. After his one-chorus solo, Marmarosa plays a ‘simple’ solo, once again fairly sparse but interesting nonetheless. Once again, Ammons and Thompson trade on this number, before Ammons returns to the melody. This number is at a slower tempo than the previous and there are fewer notes, but it is still a very interesting and at times exciting recording to listen to. Enjoy!