On this website we stay clear of wild conspiracy theories, though as we now live in Revolutionary times, conspiracies and violence in politics are not beyond possibility. Certainly Antonin Scalia’s sudden death at the weekend was very convenient for our Ruling Class and the powerful forces of its Far Left allies.
First let us acknowledge that Scalia was elderly and was probably not a fit man who took care of his health. He looked Pickwickian with a weakness for fine wines and roast beef. It is said that he had had heart problems for some years and he looked as though this was true. His life was probably stressful, especially given that he had taken on the burden of opposing a ruthless President who had used his office to intimidate the Judiciary.
In many circumstances, Scalia’s death would not have come as a surprise. Life catches up with all of us and age and excessive weight combined with not enough exercise rarely guarantees longevity. So, the lucky man died in his sleep in the midst of a happy vacation.
On the other hand, Scalia will have enjoyed excellent medical care as a privileged and uniquely important servant of the State. He was also highly intelligent. He undoubtedly knew he was a pillar of a vital legal process that had become an obstacle to a lawless White House and an Administration bent on destroying the Constitutional Government he had genuinely sworn to uphold.
We need to be awake to the deviousness of the MSM. This morning it is in overdrive racing completely past the circumstances of Scalia’s death and focusing on who Obama will select to replace him. The second distracting MSM narrative is the turmoil and reaction of the Republicans in Congress. Whoa! What about the unusual circumstances?
Before we touch upon the really big questions, we might wonder why one of the most important men in the USA was vacationing in remote West Texas. This writer has traveled and hiked in that desert area and can vouch for its remoteness. Was Scalia a devotee of geographical remoteness or was he a hunter – for this was a hunting lodge? He was old and unfit for a hunter, but maybe it was the way he relaxed. Perhaps he wanted peace and quiet in order to write.
The proprietor of the lodge was a Democrat donor so why did Scalia pick this lodge?. Why was the lodge not guarded by Secret Servicemen, for Scalia was surely in danger from Islamic terrorists? It is being claimed that the Lodge’s own security cameras were not functioning.
Since the MSM has chosen not to investigate Scalia’s sudden death, we are forced to rely on the alternative media, where it is being asserted that he was found in bed with a pillow over his face and no signs of disheveled bedding.
This writer has had experience of a similar discovery, though without the pillow. I found my mother dead and cold in the morning, she having died over night. She had suffered from heart problems, was overweight and was 76 years old. This was in England but one would expect the same process in any civilized country.
I immediately phoned her doctor and he instructed me to phone the coroner’s office. Her doctor and a uniformed policeman from the coroner’s office arrived almost simultaneously. I was shocked and distraught but I knew that a sudden death, no mater the health history of the deceased, required careful investigation and an autopsy. It was highly unlikely but possible that my mother had been murdered. Indeed I, or anyone else who had discovered her, might have murdered her. In the event, the autopsy revealed that my mother had died from a blood clot that had been missed after a recent operation in a National Health hospital.
As far as I can gather from the reports of events in remote West Texas, the possibility that Scalia had been murdered was never considered or investigated and all the subsequent actions by the local authorities were based on the assumption of death by natural causes. I don’t care what the usual practices are in Texas, Scalia was one of the most important men in the USA and there were many who would benefit from his death. It is not a stretch to say that National Security has been put at risk because of his death. It is not at all fanciful to suspect that he may have been assassinated by experts, or suffocated by someone in the lodge for personal reasons not known to us.
These are new facts. There was no autopsy! The FBI was not called in prior to intervention at the scene of discovery. It is possible that he was killed elsewhere and his body placed in the bed. Not likely but possible. He is to be cremated so any body evidence of foul play will be destroyed. Obama is moving quickly to replace him on the Supreme Court though Scalia’s body is hardly cold.
I heard the first hour of Rush Limbaugh this morning and in that hour he did not mention Scalia’s death.
This morning there are American MSM reports concerning the train crash that took place in Bad Aibling, Southern Germany on February 9th. Eleven died and 80 were injured when two trains collided on a single track. German Investigators have already reported that their work was “complicated, complex and time-consuming”. They are charging the track controller with “negligent homicide” for he gave an incorrect signal. It is reported that he “issued an emergency call as soon as he realized his mistake”.
Regular website visitors will recall that we have written several times about the deadly Amtrak crash near Philadelphia on 14th May last year, when 8 commuters died and some 300 were injured. The train was driven at 106 mph into a bend restricted to 50mph. No blame has yet been attached to the engineer, an activist, exhibitionist homosexual. The unfortunate rail worker charged in Germany is a young married man with two children. You can draw your own conclusions but remember that in both countries homosexuals are the most protected class.
Finally, yet another reminder about the power and propaganda of the MSM. Today’s WSJ has a large picture on page A10. It accompanies yet another article about the plight of Muslim refugees in Europe. The picture shows a woman and child peering from a train window and another child peering from the next window, with masked Macedonian guards in the forefront.
Those who carefully monitor the MSM will know that children and women are scarce among the tens of thousands of Muslims invading Europe. Yet the MSM’s reporters never fail to find them and feature them. You are being brainwashed in pursuit of an agenda.
Music Choice 
Sigmund Romberg (1887 – 1951) was a Hungarian Jew who moved with his family to New York in 1909. He played violin and piano as a child and later became a prolific songwriter for Broadway shows, including Desert Song and The New Moon. Two of his finest compositions were ‘Lover. Come Back To Me’ and ‘Softly As In A Morning Sunrise’. both written for ‘The New Moon’. in 1928.
Unlike the strummer and whiner Bob Dylan, who was also a Jew, Romberg was a gifted composer who bequeathed the world many enduring songs. In a sane world Dylan would be forever unknown and Americans today would be familiar with Romberg’s work. Highly recommended is the fine version of ‘Softly’ by the superb Modern Jazz Quartet featuring Milt Jackson on vibes, John Lewis on piano, Percy Heath bass and Connie Kay drums. It will be a measure of America’s recovery when this music is once again gracing the airwaves.