Mark Levin To Get Bad News Tomorrow

The Palm Beach County State Attorney will announce tomorrow that there will be no charge made against Trump assistant Corey Lewandowski. The allegation of assault that ’reporter’ Michelle Fields made when Lewandowski or a secret service man pulled her away from Trump by the arm do not amount to a crime, the attorney will say.

Fields is said to be considering a civil action, but it is our view that this is a face-saving ploy by a woman who hoped to gain celebrity, knowing that powerful forces in the MSM and in politics would welcome and reward any stunt that might impair the Trump campaign. Fields claim that she was almost ‘thrown to the ground’ and suffered serious bruising, was not borne out by the evidence captured on video and shown on the Internet.

We suggest that Fields, in excitement at the prospect of fame and a career boost, grossly exaggerated the incident. In fact so gross was her claim that we suspect she is a little emotionally unhinged.

Nevertheless, her charge of assault did add to the unprincipled campaign by the MSM, the Republican establishment and Ted Cruz, that Trump is encouraging violence at his rallies, that his staff are thugs, his supporters modern-day Brown-shirts and he condones violence against women. As with all the baseless charges against him, orchestrated by a disgusting MSM, some mud sticks for those who are gullible.

Spare a thought for Radio Talk Show host Mark Levin and his buddy in Trump-hating Glen Beck, who must have hoped that Fields’ charge would have legs in the hands of a colluding State lawyer. We recommend that no-one who is not 110% for Ted Cruz phone his program tomorrow, for Levin will be in a state of rage that may threaten his cholesterol-clogged arteries. He is normally hugely unpleasant to any callers except those who fawn on him or express great love for dogs. The decision not to charge Lewandowski may be the last straw for this nasty man. Beck will surely see the hand of the devil in this decision.

Meanwhile poor old Rush continues to dance on the head of a pin when having to deal with many callers, usually his regular listeners, who are Trump supporters. Although he denies it, it is clear that he seeks to help Cruz, the true conservative he has long waited for and who is now on the ropes. My own opinion is that Rush actually likes Trump in his heart and is genuinely torn.

On this website we do not think Limbaugh is a hypocrite or a collaborator. He is a gentleman, a true Conservative and a man of intellect who has failed to understand the dynamics of the Media Class Revolution and who now finds himself trailing behind the Nationalism that is making the running.


  1. “We suggest that Fields, in excitement at the prospect of fame and a career boost, grossly exaggerated the incident. In fact so gross was her claim that we suspect she is a little emotionally unhinged.”

    She’s not unhinged. She’s a leftist.

  2. I haven’t the first clue who will be sworn in as POTUS next January, but what I do know is that this election year has been most illuminating. Those “conservatives” whom I had previously thought to be on the side of decent people have revealed their duplicitous selves.

    I don’t know if DT has his head and heart in the rights place. That remains to be seen. But I am nevertheless grateful for his candidacy for what it has revealed.

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