If America was not ruled by the Media Class, and had an honest Mainstream Media (MSM) instead of a Far Left, Internationalist propaganda machine, Jason Falconer would already be a household name. He would be on his way to the White House to receive an award from the President, and Hollywood would be competing to make a movie of his life and exploits.
In the America we actually reside in, Falconer will, from now on, live in fear for his life and that of his family. As the number of Muslims imported by the Crypto-Muslim in the White House increases day by day, so Falconer and his family will face ever more danger. He will also have many hidden enemies on the Far Left and be viewed with loathing by the elitists of both political parties who work to disarm the American people.
Jason Falconer is the off-duty police officer who, on Saturday evening, around 8pm, shot and killed Dahir Adan in the Crossroads Center, St Cloud, Minnesota. Dahir, a Somali was doing Allah’s work, which in this instance involved attacking with a knife unarmed American shoppers. At the moment when hero Falconer shot him dead, Adan had wounded 9 people and was intending to continue reducing the number of American infidels until exhausted.
Many in Authority and in the MSM now have to go through the motions of gratitude to Falconer, for it is not yet politically or legally possible to openly celebrate revolutionary acts against Deplorables. But the unspoken fact is that Falconer represents everything that the MSM abhors, as does Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, the Hollywood billionaires, Obama and Hillary Clinton. For Falconer is a police officer who also owns a gun range and is a Concealed Carry Advocate. He is also a man of action, who carries a weapon when off-duty, and does not prevaricate when confronted with evil.
We can be sure from his jobs and his instant response in the mall, that Falconer will not be voting for Hillary Clinton. We can be equally sure that Obama, the DOJ, Clinton and her supporters, in private, have Falconer marked down as a Deplorable.
When the St. Cloud dust has settled, and the MSM has consigned the Crossroads Center to oblivion, rewritten the episode to make it favorable to the Obama/Clinton, and unfavorable to Donald Trump, the knives will be out for Jason Falconer and his gun range business. He will find he has not only enraged Muslims but also America’s Ruling Class.
Jason Falconer and his gun saved the lives of many innocent Americans and sent off one more devout Muslim to be with 77 virgins. On this website we salute him as an American hero, but in this new Revolutionary America, official heroes are professional sportsman who come out of the closet as sodomites, or parade in women’s clothes, or remain seated for the National Anthem.
If you want to do your bit to protect Jason Falconer, like me, vote for Donald Trump in November, donate to his campaign now, and drive around with one of his bumper stickers on show.