On this website we do not intend to forget the racially-inspired injustices committed against Police Cpl Casebolt and school Principle Iber. Whilst the Left never abandons its people, the Right is notable for its indifference to those of its comrades who get picked off. This website attempts to remain both loyal and principled and, incidentally, cares nothing for popularity. What we are driven by is the opportunity for a citizen to post ‘The Truth’ on the Internet. Such opportunity will be removed sooner or later but in the meantime, we soldier on.
We suggest our website visitors occasionally go back to our commentary menu and remind themselves of the truth about the past. Especially, please re-visit our article of June 14 and remember victims Casebolt and Iber. At that point we were still not certain about some of the important background details that surrounded Cpl Casebolt’s afternoon response to fighting among many Black youths and a few White people at a community pool. The response cost him his career at the hands of a gutless police chief.
The pool was sited in a gated community and was restricted in use to residents and their guests. This is a normal state of affairs, especially in areas where decent citizens seek a safe haven from neighboring lawless communities.
One of the residents was a young Black woman, though most residents are White. On the day that Cpl. Casebolt lost his job and career, this young Black woman advertized (presumably on the Internet) a party at the pool. She did not seek permission for this use and most certainly would not have received it if she had revealed the facts. She further broke the rules of the gated community and its pool use by charging those who turned up for a party a $10 fee.
Pictures of this young woman on the Internet- and there are many of them since she is seeking maximum publicity in pursuit of a modeling career- feature her in skimpy bikinis or other revealing outfits. We must however be careful making judgments about this young woman who is said to be only 15 years old. God forbid that we stereotype and rush to comments about her character.
It is possible that she spends much of her time on school academic work and Bible study and is consequently extremely popular with other residents of the gated community. Older and stuffier people may conclude from her pictures that she is a very uninhibited young lady and not the type gated residents enjoy as a neighbor. This writer is not an expert on models but, although extremely curvy, the young lady will surely face an uphill struggle to get into the modeling world. Nevertheless, she has certain physical assets that would take her some way in certain occupations.
Her money raising and rule-breaking operation at the pool, attracting swarms of young Blacks, will have been an extreme provocation to her neighbors and probably a frightening one. Either great immaturity or an indifference towards her community and its civilized rules resulted in a dangerous and violent inter-racial riot that could only be quelled by a large team of police officers. The young lady is unapologetic, outspoken about Cpl. Casebolt’s rough treatment of her rowdy guests and ready to wallow in the publicity that has cost a good man his job and career.
There are White girls with no more class and dignity than this young woman but this incident underlines how relations between Black and White are now highly charged and becoming more so by the day. It is said that HUD is ready to pursue a policy of planting low-income Blacks in communities whose residents (White and Asian) have sought and purchased segregation. With the police unwilling to risk careers dealing with Black violence the sale of guns will surely increase as many seek to protect homes and family.