Time is running out for David Cameron, the current Prime Minister of the UK. He has governed since May 2010 thanks to an unprincipled Parliamentary alliance with the Far Left Liberal Democrats. Cameron, besides being Prime Minister is the leader of the Conservative Party that was once led by Margaret Thatcher and, many long years ago, Winston Churchill. The Party was also once the home of conservative/Nationalist Enoch Powell who was driven out of the Party because of his opposition to mass immigration.
Prior to Cameron’s 2005 leadership of the Conservative Party it had undeservedly enjoyed a reputation as a mildly Nationalist Party and a socially conservative one. In reality the Party, in response to the rise of the Media Class, had been moving to the Left on Nationality and social issues for decades before Cameron’s emergence as Leader. This became clear when the tax-funded and powerful BBC, in collaboration with much of the MSM, relentlessly attacked and marginalized Enoch Powell and all anti-immigration politicians and activists, and then undermined Britain’s war against IRA terrorism.
When Margaret Thatcher unexpectedly won the leadership of the Conservative Party on a program of reversing the UK’s creeping economic Socialism by selling off its State- owned industries, the BBC began a campaign to bring about her fall. It did all it could to support the militant public service unions who, in order to halt the sell-offs, took to the streets with violence and intimidation. She faced down the Unions and the Media Class, though at some cost to her reputation. However, her Nationalist stance in response to Argentina’s invasion of the Falkland Islands and the victory of the UK’s armed forces, won her and her Party a second term in office.
Whether as a result of the Falkland War and her domestic victory over the Far Left led by Communist Arthur Scargill, Mrs. Thatcher moved to the Right. Forging an alliance with Ronald Reagan (a man loathed by the BBC and its Media allies), she supported tough action against International Communism and Arab despots and began to move the UK away from the EU. She also used her Government to halt the spread of homosexual advocacy in schools and defended the Union with Ulster against the IRA and World (Media) opinion.
The unrelenting BBC-led Media Class campaign was able to successfully sow divisions within her Government, with establishment members of her Cabinet (the equivalents of Country Club Republicans) and opportunists eventually stabbing her in the back. All those who did so were assured of fulsome Media coverage. Her fall from the leadership led to the short-lived leadership of mild John Major, whose wife spent her time mixing with the Arts world. From this point on the Conservative Party’s leadership and bureaucracy steadily retreated from Thatcher’s Nationalism and social conservatism, though the aging rank-and-file membership was always to the Right of the Party’s leaders.
David Cameron was born with a silver-spoon in his mouth and with elite connections through both his family and his days at Oxford University. He has risen through the ranks of the insider political network. As Cameron has risen, so the Party’s base has shrunk. Over time, Nationalist rank-and–filers died or departed and have been replaced by ambitious and affluent young college opportunists for whom hands-on jobs, patriotism and Christian family values are outdated. Mostly clustered around London and the South East where money-making has little to do with real jobs, these Conservatives disdain the ordinary, native British people and care little about the loss of Britain’s culture and traditions. They saw a way to defeat the electorally successful New Labour Party of Tony Blair. By regaining the financial support of international Big Business (which Blair had attracted for New Labour) and simultaneously placating the BBC and the Media Class they calculated the Party could again win elections. The sure way of gaining favorable Media treatment was and is to support ‘progressive’ social policies.
Cameron represents this constituency within the Conservative Party. Once in control of the Party he made it clear that it would be ‘inclusive’. Comparisons between British and American politics must be made with care but words like ‘inclusive’ have the same coded message and Cameron moved quickly to line up his Party with same-sex marriage, multi-racialism and multi-culturalism. He has been an advocate of ‘Hate Speech’ legislation and a prominent supporter of the self-styled ‘anti-Nazi’ movement. This is a network of Red thugs who are financed to violently suppress the activities of all Nationalist groups. Like all Western political Parties that win popular support by ‘leaning’ slightly to the Right of the Far Left, Cameron’s Conservative Party has been anxious to suppress any political organization that might be more genuinely ‘Right’’.
In the General Election of May 2010 Cameron’s Conservatives won the most Parliamentary seats, but not nearly enough for an overall Parliamentary majority. He could only wrest the Premiership from New Labour by making an alliance with the small LibDem Party. The LibDems, a Party to the Left of New Labour on social issues, has been steadily losing ground. It was once the Party of ‘protest’ voters but the rise of the disorganized UKIP has increasingly siphoned off its protest votes. UKIP, until recently was a one-issue (anti-EU) Party and as such has benefitted from benign MSM and police treatment, for it has also served to siphon votes and publicity from genuinely Nationalist Parties like the relentlessly-persecuted BNP.
Cameron’s Parliamentary coalition with the small LibDem Party has enabled him to occupy the coveted Prime Minister office and enabled Nick Clegg (the LibDem leader) to be Deputy Prime Minister-not an insignificant office for a Party Leader with a rapidly disappearing Party. The uncomfortable marriage of the two Parties has been sustained by the status and perks of office and by the abandonment of all claims to political principles.
The rise of Islamic Imperialism and its Muslim terrorist wing has greatly unsettled all Western European political scenarios. The flood of Muslims from North Africa into Greece, Italy and Spain and then into France and the UK has been bad news for the dominant European Parties of ‘inclusiveness’. The most recent acts of Muslim terrorism and the strident Muslim demands for ever-more social and cultural concessions, combined with economic stagnation and the high unemployment rates of the native people, have energized Nationalist Parties that have long been kept on the fringes by Media propaganda and State suppression.
The ‘mainstream’ politicians, identified with the EU and its policies of ‘inclusiveness’ are increasingly on the defensive. Every new development seems to increase their discomfort. The debt problem of Greece and the recent election of a Far Left government that seems not to care about exiting from the EU are encouraging those European political parties that are anti-EU. The grossly overcrowded and immigrant- swamped UK is not immune to these events especially as Cameron’s coalition must face the electorate no later than May 5th of this year.
The UKIP, until recently enjoying MSM encouragement at the expense of the small but battle-hardened BNP, has moved to the Right. No longer a one-issue Party it has expanded into a degree of anti-immigration sentiment and become a quasi-Nationalist Party. It has also enjoyed election victories that have eaten into the support of both Conservative and New Labour and obliterated the LibDems. At the present time Opinion Polls give New Labour 34%, Conservative Party 33% and UKIP 17%. The existence of the SNP and some small Leftist Parties confuse the electoral picture but after May 5th the UKIP may have a key role to play. Under the UK system 17% amounts to only a handful of Parliamentary seats but 20% and where the votes are geographically distributed, may alter the landscape.
At this point in time two issues dominate in the UK. One is continued membership of the EU. This one is openly discussed, though New Labour, Conservative, LibDem and SNP (Scottish National Party) are all pro-EU. The public is not.
The other dominant issue cannot be debated openly because of ‘Hate Laws’ that are supported by all the ‘mainstream’ parties. It is immigration. Muslim immigration currently fuels this issue but all immigration is probably unpopular and may give the UKIP a big boost in the secrecy of the polling booths. Meanwhile, the BNP under a new leader is rebuilding. Its economic program is Fascist/Socialist but the rest of its program is a mix of Nationalism and genuine conservatism. Given the advance of Nationalism in France, Holland, Hungary, Greece and now Germany, it is possible that the BNP may receive enough votes to herald a rebirth and terrify the Media Class, its Leftist allies and the mainstream Parties.
Cameron has the power to call an early ‘snap’ election but the Opinion Polls suggest that he will go right to the wire in the hope that, like Mr. Micawber ‘something turns up’. The economic and political situation in Europe is more volatile and unstable than at any time since the Cold War and the UK is not immune to the instability. The obnoxious Cameron will almost certainly be a casualty of it but who the beneficiaries might be is harder to predict. Interesting times lie ahead!