After starting today down several hundred points, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was (at 6:55 AM) up nearly 360 points. The NASDAQ and S&P 500 are also steadily climbing.
The only struggling sector today is Utilities, which was down before the recent market adjustment. The Basic Materials and Technology sectors have taken the lead in a comeback, with several other sectors little changed from the end of Monday.
The Mainstream Media has been forced to change some of its headlines. A CNBC report changed from “Dow jumps 200 points as stocks try to recover from steepĀ sell-off” to “Dow spikes 300 points as stocks try to recover from steep sell-off”.
However, for some reason, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has now fallen nearly 300 points since it reached its peak just before seven o’clock. It is highly likely that the MSM (Mainstream Media) and Soros have been doing their bit to bring markets down.
Meanwhile, NBC News writes, “[W]e remember [Trayvon Martin’s] life and why we fight for black lives” and that “Trayvon sparked a movement that stands up to fascism and white supremacy. We need to hold him in our memories.” For we all know that Trayvon Martin was just a “teenage boy” and George Zimmerman was “empowered by his own racist beliefs”.