On this website we were hugely impressed that Donald Trump persevered in his election campaign rallies across the South and the rust-belt States, even whilst the disgusting Mainstream Media, without exception, attacked his character every hour with smears and grossly-inflated trivia. Sure he found time to tweet counter-attacks, but he never deviated from his relentless and exhausting State to State journey, mass rally to mass rally, and repeated message direct to the people.
For those of us who tuned in to his rallies on the Internet, his energy, his unruffled demeanor, the increasing quality of speeches that never lost their humor, confidence and optimism, his adherence to unorthodoxy, and his ability to draw vast crowds of patriots, sustained our morale when it seemed that his and our enemies were in the ascendant.
How far The Donald operates on instinct and how far he carefully pre-plans is unclear. His public speeches and tweets suggest instinct, but the unhindered regimen of his campaign rallies suggest detailed, water-tight organization. Only in Democrat Chicago, Illinois was a rally cancelled because of opposition threats.
Trump’s election campaign strategy proved to be sufficient to win, even if narrowly. Given the powerful forces that conspired to destroy him, a narrow defeat would have been miraculous. His victory was a personal triumph that he earned with honesty of purpose, character and unmatched energy. At this point he had proved that he was the leader real Americans desperately needed.
His next test was the eruption of the Russian charge, and with the alleged financial backing of George Soros, Jill Stein embarked on the legal challenge to the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. These were accompanied by the drumbeat of Revolution on the streets in various big Left-dominated cities. As far as we can tell, Trump’s organization effectively stood its ground on the legal challenges and the challenges fizzled and Stein returned to obscurity.
Meanwhile Trump has not been distracted from the crucial task of selecting his cabinet, even finding time to tease with the ambitions of one or two unprincipled Republican opponents. The accusations of a ‘Russian’ collaboration, with the discovery of a Golden Shower dossier that could be compared to the forged Zinoviev Letter of 1924, has failed to prevent Trump from continuing to advance to his rightful place in the White House.
If Trump was met by unprecedented character assassination during the election campaign, we can truly claim that no incoming President has endured such institutional obstruction, as much sabotage by an outgoing President, and such hysterical MSM attacks as has he in these last few weeks. Yet there he is, still exuding confidence, fighting back and girding for Office. What a remarkable man!
We of the Broad Right and Donald Trump are not there yet. Next Friday promises to be an Inauguration Day like no other, as the Far Left and Soros-funded Black mobs, orchestrated and celebrated by the MSM, plan chaos on the streets of Washington. Media celebrities have called for the immediate imposition of Marshall Law to prevent Trump from taking Office, and the mob organizers David Thurston and Legba Carrefour call for a “seething rebellion” no less. The resident Washington mob, augmented by the permanently work-shy and their comrades in the college world from around the USA, will provide another test of Trump’s determination and organization.
If and when Trump takes Office he will quickly be obstructed in the Senate by the two MSM spotlight seekers McCain and Graham, with Rubio eager to make it a trio. If he fails to send them packing, they will be joined by more Republican opportunists.
Besides all the internal challenges, President Trump is going to have to find the energy to urgently confront some dangerous foreign situations bequeathed by Obama. The next few months will not be the time to chastise Trump for campaign promises postponed. At the end of the day he is only human.