For ten long years this website has identified the Mainstream Media (MSM) as the propaganda arm of the power-hungry Revolutionary Media Class and its Far Left Allies. We have always maintained that the MSM, since the 1970’s, has had only a tenuous connection to real news and facts. Since the Media Class began its march to political power with a Revolutionary agenda, the MSM has worked diligently to mislead and brainwash the American people.
For some years we were a lone voice in portraying the MSM as a political movement in its own right, and the Democrat Party as little more than a subsidiary organization for the ground troops of the Media Class/Far Left Alliance. But the 2016 election campaign, and Donald Trump’s rise as the leader of a popular Nationalism, forced the MSM to abandon its pretense of journalism, and emerge as a political movement. The Democrat Party, and especially the Congressional Democrats led by Pelosi and Reid, became almost irrelevant. Even Hillary Clinton played a minor role in a campaign in which MSM ‘reporters’ and ‘commentators’ sought to destroy Trump’s character, dismiss his followers as Nazi Brownshirts, and drench America with false news.
This website’s decade of attacks on the voices of the MSM as liars and anti-American propagandists, has now been largely endorsed by those on the Broad Right. Today, Rush Limbaugh referred to the MSM as ‘the enemy’, a phrase that is entirely appropriate, but which has more meaning than he may have intended.
Trump’s Presidency has finally stripped away the last vestiges of the ‘old politics’, although the ‘old politics’, such as they were, ended when Obama entered the White House vowing to remake America. Obama, whose Presidency and tenure were entirely the work of the Media Class and its MSM, by vowing to remake America, was unveiling an agenda of Revolution. What else, but ‘Revolution’, can ‘remake’ mean? And Revolution cannot tolerate ‘old politics’.
Trump’s election to the White House, and his commitment to a Counter-Revolutionary agenda – for rolling back a Revolution must be ‘Counter-Revolutionary’ – has laid bare a political divide that can only be resolved by civil conflict. The Trump Administration is America’s lawful government, elected under the Constitution, even though it may represent the will of only half the population. The legally-ousted Revolutionaries are making it crystal clear that they will not accept the legally-elected government, and that can only mean civil war unless Trump and his Broad Right supporters are willing to surrender power. That does not look likely.
The Revolutionaries can mostly be identified by name. They include Barack Obama, almost the whole of the Congressional Democrats, much of the Federal Judiciary, Democrat lawmakers and officials in Sanctuary cities, and many leaders of Big Business and Silicon Valley. Most of Hollywood perverts, Show-biz and pro-Sports show-offs, have leapt at the chance to reveal themselves as Revolutionaries rejecting a lawful government, and so have the parasites in Academia.
But those individuals responsible for drenching the American people with brazen lies and Revolutionary propaganda, responsible for orchestrating violence, and inflaming the mobs, continue to pose as reporters of news. They deserve to be outed now, and remembered after the violence they have fueled has been settled, for they are America’s worst traitors and they remain in the shadows.
On this website we monitor the Wall Street Journal, for its ‘reporters’ hide behind the Journal’s claim to objectivity. We name Janet Hook, Michael Bender, Rebecca Ballhaus, Peter Nicholas, Byron Tau, Natalie Andrews, Jenny Gross, Siobhan Hughes, Ellen Gamerman, Laura Meckler, Jess Bravin, Carol Lee and Harriet Torry as propagandists. We invite our website visitors to post their own lists of MSM employees who are corrupting the news, encouraging resistance to a properly-elected government, and thus pushing America to civil war. After the civil war these people must be held to account.