The UK local election results have taken this observer by surprise and I think that, like me, there will be many others in the UK who will be disappointed today. All who hoped for a notable success for the BNP will be greatly chastened, but the most surprising thing about the election is how little the voting pattern has changed from one year ago.
Labour has polled about the same percentage as 2006 and the Tories, despite Cameron’s crowing, have made no advance. They have of course won many council seats from Labour and the Liberal Democrats, but not with an increased share of the vote. These seat gains and losses have to do with who is defending the most seats in this election cycle. The LibDems have come out badly and their wagon has clearly stopped rolling. Given that Blair’s Labour Government is said to be extremely unpopular, the other parties have not been able to take advantage, and Labour’s core has held firm.
The increased regional polarization of modern times has continued for this election and shows the Tories still weaker in the northern cities and Labour losing more ground in the south. In Scotland, the SNP has made the kind of gains from Labour that the other parties would have liked to make. In Wales, Plaid has benefited from Labour’s unpopularity.
The BNP seems to have been in a state of shock over its lack of success, for its website has virtually closed down. There must have been many well-wishers, as well as members, who had expected to visit their site for a result-by-result record during the night. In fact, the next day has elapsed and still no real information or comment about the election outcome. It seems to me that much was promised about the site’s election news and nothing delivered. This is either an appalling miscalculation or disturbing evidence of a deeper problem in the BNP’s organization. Many people visit the BNP website because it is seen as more truthful than the mainstream media and more factual. This has been a great plus for the BNP and to now duck out of reporting when the facts are disappointing, damages the credibility and reliability of both the site and the Party.
We (Radical and Right), think the BNP has always failed to understand that the Media Class is its real enemy and that the other political parties are all hostage to the Media Class. Of course, all the parties and their members are opposed to the BNP, but in any case their leaders have to dance to the Media Class tune if they are to enjoy favorable public exposure. And they do to varying degrees! Cameron has gone on bended knees (no pun intended about his support for the homosexual agenda) to the Media Class by ‘reforming’ the Conservative Party’s social policies and making some nuanced anti-American, anti-war sentiments. It has paid off with the BBC and its gang, for he no longer feels the heat that Mrs Thatcher, Norman Tebbitt and social conservatives endured constantly. The Media must have been mightily impressed with both his hug-a-hoodie stunt and his “vote for any but the BNP” comments.
The BNP is the only UK party that cannot court the Media Class, for it is diametrically opposed to the Media’s agenda. The Media Class is its deadly enemy just as the French Media Class is the deadly and unwavering enemy of Le Pen’s National Front. Ulster’s Democratic Unionist Party is another party that can never expect anything but unrelenting misrepresentation from the Media world. As regular visitors to this site will know, we include in the Media Class, Show-Biz gang and the Arts, Fashion and Advertising narcisists.
It is important for a radical political party to know its deadliest enemy, especially when that enemy is the most powerful class in society. Failure to understand this must hugely impair the chance of survival, let alone progress through constitutional methods.
If we are correct in our claim about the power of the Media Class, then the BNP has to function differently than all the other UK parties. I am not here referring to its fear of violence and police persecution (well founded fears) but to its methods of communication to the voters in general and to its supporters in particular. Until it can afford to have its own national newspaper, it must rely on the Internet. Only there can people get the Party’s message without distortion and in full.
The BNP website is a good one but it has been greatly underemployed in the lead-up to this election. The Party should be using its website as a newspaper of integrity and pack it with both news, opinion and policy. Instead the site has been a patchy affair with some days nothing added at all. Some of the BNP’s opinion writers are heavyweight writers (Bean, Joe Priestly, Doc’s Diary) but their contributions are irregular and infrequent. Some other contributors are mercifully infrequent! The Chairman’s blog is surely a distraction for not only is it infrequent but often filled with details of his sunday lunch, his walks with his dogs and his family activities. He should not be wasting his valuable time on this trivia nor inflicting it on his readers.
Given the troubled roots of the Party and the constant smear campaign perpetrated by the Media and its allies, the Party must surely conduct itself transparently in virtually all of its operations, leaving no room for accusations against it to have credibility with those who wish it well. The silence in the wake of yesterday’s electoral setback is a very bad tactic and suggests a lack of honesty, a lack of resilience and political immaturity.
The regional contributions to the website have mostly been better than those emanating from the center and we can only speculate that today’s regional blackout on electoral news has been imposed from the center. A healthy organisation would allow the regions to function and improvise without such central control, just as a good army allows officers and NCO’s in the field to show initiative. Is this news blackout a result of the Party being run on the principle of Democratic Centralism? (For those not familiar with this term, it is Marxist in origin and thus means exactly the opposite of what it claims, i.e. not democratic at all but an organizational device whereby the leadership promotes people because it does not trust electoral bottom-up results.)
The Party’s monthly newspaper (Voice of Freedom) is not bad but it is not that good either. The pre-election issue was surely silly to lead on the Iraq war. It is difficult to know if the Party’s leaders really believe all that stuff about the war being about Bush’s desire to avenge his father or to be “all about oil” and planned by Israeli neo-cons. Has the leadership been swallowing the Media Class spin or is it being opportunistic and believes that opposing the war is a vote-getter? If so, there is no evidence that the war has lost elections whenever it has been vigorously defended (Australia, Japan) and in the UK the LibDems have not benefitted from their opposition to it. There is little logic in condemning Islam and claiming that terrorism is a great threat and then opposing concerted action on the terrorist’s home territory. And surely a Nationalist Party would not oppose a war in which the Nation has troops fighting. To do so is akin to lying down with internationalist Leftists, and to parrot the nonsense that the war is all about oil and Bush pleasing his oil buddies, is to get into bed with Rosie O’Donnell (a fate worse than death)! Surely the VoF should have had a front page on the swamping of the UK with immigrants?
The Party’s neutral election showing and its subsequent news black-out are not a cause of rejoicing on this website, for we hoped it would create an earthquake under the UK’s political conspiracy. It does not reflect well on the intelligence of the UK electorate that they have voted for parties that are hell-bent on destroying the best of Britain. One has to think of turkeys voting for Christmas – on the sort of logic that at least that way they’re guaranteed board and lodging up to Christmas Eve, rather than take their chances in the wild. Hopefully, buried in the voting statistics for the BNP, there will be some reasons for optimism, but there is no denying that today has been a bad one.