Earlier this week, the BBC’s website carried a brief comment on the annual conference of the British National Party (BNP) and included a link to the BNP’s own website. This, as far as I am aware, is the first time that it has done either. Until quite recently, the BBC policy has been to mention the BNP only in the context of someone’s condemnation of it or in relation to a scandal. BNP election results have occasionally been mentioned, but always on a regional website.
The Leeds trial was also largely ignored until the final ‘Not Guilty’ verdict. The BBC’s declared policy has been to avoid giving the party any publicity (unless it was really bad publicity) so as to keep the public generally unaware of the existence of the BNP and its rapid growth. At no time has it allowed straightforward and unbiased news of the party to be presented. In this policy, it has not been alone, since all parts of the British media have been marching in lockstep. French, Dutch and Belgian nationalist parties have also received the same British Media treatment.
This does not surprise us on this website, since we claim that the Media has evolved into a (ruling) class with its own social, cultural and political agenda. Its arch enemy within Europe is nationalism. We believe that the BBC, as the most powerful component of the Media Class in the UK, views the BNP as its most dangerous opponent and one to be destroyed at all costs. The infiltration of the BNP by paid BBC agents seeking evidence for a state prosecution of the Party’s leadership and the hounding of its members, is surely evidence of what we assert.
There are some commentators who now claim that the BBC’s recognition of the BNP conference is encouraging evidence that the Corporation is changing its policy in the face of criticism over its past partiality. We reject this interpretation entirely. In our view, the BBC is simply changing its tactics but not its intent.
To begin with, the BBC website reports on the BNP’s Blackpool conference were as damaging as possible, designed to associate the Party’s presence in Blackpool with the threat of violence and public disorder. Never mind that there was no reported violence and that if there had been it would have been instigated by the Leftist agitators that the BBC chooses to call ‘demonstrators’. Quite wrongly (and we believe deliberately wrongly) the BBC referred to the demonstrators’ organization (Unite Against Facism) as “a party set up to challenge the BNP”. Since when has this ‘party’ put up candidates to fight elections or published a manifesto? In fact this subterranean and sinister organization intervenes in elections in ways that appear to be in breach of electoral rules. It does so with seeming impunity!
The BNP made no secret of its intention to hold its conference in Blackpool and anyone visiting its website would have known this. The Party kept the exact location secret, except to the members attending, and we assume that was both to avoid organized intimidation by Leftist groups (and thus protect the BNP delegates from violent attack), and also to protect the hotel and its owners from subsequent persecution.
The BBC has made sure that the hotel and its address is now well known to Leftist thugs and to local Labour Party leaders and their Town Hall bureaucrats. We predict that this hotel and its owners will now suffer continual harassment from Blackpool officialdom (fire regulations, health and safety, licensing etc) and be at great risk of arson attacks and vandalism. We do not believe we are exaggerating and we do not underestimate the motives of the BBC and its reporters in publicizing the venue.
The BBC must have sought out Blackpool Council Leader, Roy Fisher, for a comment and he duly obliged by announcing that the BNP was ‘not welcome’ in Blackpool. This phrase describing the BNP as ‘not being welcome’ in a town or an area is now the standard response to the Media of public figures whether they are Labour, LibDem or Tory. Police Chiefs, chairmen of voluntary organizations and other busybody types also use the same phrase and purport to be talking for countless numbers of people in demanding that the BNP not enter ‘their’ territory. It seems to count for little that the UK is supposed to be a democracy, that the BNP is a lawful and constitutional party and that significant numbers of the UK public support it. One gets the impression that these people have been watching too many old Westerns where the sheriff says he will run someone out of ‘his’ town.
The BBC has a photo of BNP leader Nick Griffin which it now puts up on its website to accompany its propaganda. Griffin appears to be snarling. Mr. Radical believes he was present when this photo was taken during the Leeds trial and that it was raining at the time, hence the distortion of Griffin’s features. It is not difficult to visualize the BBC staff poring over photos of Griffin on a table and heatedly debating which one will show him in the most hateful light.
One last example of willful BBC misreporting is the statement that the BNP has won some 40 council seats. The BBC is well aware that the number is over 50, a small enough number in the scheme of things, but even here the BBC cannot rein in its petty spite.
As we said in a previous article, the BBC is not guilty of bias but guilty of abandoning its public service duty in order to assume the role of leader of a ruling class. The recent successes of the BNP and its ability to use the Internet to get out information and facts, has forced the BBC to adopt new tactics. If it had continued to ignore the BNP’s presence, it would have lost all credibility as a news service. It is relevant too, that impressive numbers of people are now voting for the BNP and rejecting the BBC’s image of the Party. In doing so they demonstrate that they disbelieve the BBC on this issue and may thus begin to disbelieve it on all issues. We think that the BBC leadership is aware that it has lost its absolute control over the news and is unsure how to silence the BNP. The other political parties face the same problem as every day the May 2007 local elections loom larger. When the Media Class people and their Westminster politicians meet at social functions the big topic for debate will undoubtedly be how best to erase the BNP from the electoral cockpit before May 2007. Gordon Brown has already offered a solution (new laws to ban free speech) but it is one that may again have unintended consequences. Trevor Phillips (a foreign-born Government appointed head of the Commission for Racial Equality) is calling for the barring of all BNP members from public service employment.
At certain key moments in time, a nation or continent’s political, cultural and social conflicts are not confined to ordinary skirmishes on the surface of society but begin to clash in a more fundamental way beneath the surface. We believe that in the UK now the three fundamental forces in collision are the new Media Class, the Islamic Imperialists and the British National Party. This is the UK’s pre earthquake moment, when the surface events provide only a few clues about the seismic shift about to take place and which will greatly alter the landscape.